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Dental implants are a great solution for a missing tooth. When you are missing a tooth or end up needing to extract a tooth, a good option to replace it is a dental implant. It is a medical grade titanium alloy that is biocompatible with your own bone. An abutment and crown is then screwed onto the implant which is what you see below. A dental implant looks and feels like your tooth and can help with chewing, esthetics and function. Dental implant treatments have been around since the 1980s and have high success rates when done by a properly trained dentist. 

dental implant

Why do you need them?

  • Makes eating easier

  • Improves unsightly gaps in your smile

  • No need to wear denture adhesives as your dentures can snap into them or even be completely fixed

  • Increased comfort

  • Does not alter surrounding teeth

Whats the process?

  • Visit 1: Consultation, to determine if there is adequate bone volume and spacing. We also discuss your medical history and take the appropriate radiographs and 3D scans to provide a detailed analysis of the situation before rendering treatment.

  • Visit 2: Placement of the dental implant

  • Visit 3: 3-6 months after placement of the dental implant we will make the abutment and crown 

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